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Daily Routine

Setting up my own daily routine, where I have scheduled all the activities that I need to become involved in, has improved my organisational skills and allowed me to focus on what is important in my life. Without having to make decisions, I now know what I must do each day. All I need to do is to cross off each activity that I have listed, one by one.


To help me manage my daily life, I have programmed everything that I need to complete each day, into my Perx App, as it provides me with helpful reminder whenever a nominated activity is due to be completed. This includes activities such as taking my medications, recording my weight and mood, completing my brain exercises and walking 4,000 steps. This App, is proving to be a great success for me, as I regard its ‘points and reward system’ as a great motivational tool, especially on those days when I’m feeling 100%.


Using my Perx app, as of June 2022, I have been following the approach that I have designed to help manage my diagnosis for        + consecutive days.

click here to read about the Perx App


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SPECIAL THANKS TO: Vivienne De Rooy for use of Photographs of South Curl Curl Beach

©2020 by Awakening Your Positivity

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